An encore on the BIG capital increase for IFC

“But really, if IFC is not in need of capital to grow at this moment, why should we increase its capital? Is it not enough just to ask IFC to grow more and take more risks?” 

Yes, you could go that very timid route if you wish, but what I am proposing is to give IFC a completely revised new mandate for growth, and there’s no better way to do that than putting the big money on the table, up front. “But what if IFC does not want that capital increase and refuses to accept it?” 

Then perhaps that would be all for the better, since we could create an IFC II with access to all the know-how of IFC I, and then have them compete!

The immense needs, the ample resources, the more-than-reasonable results seen in IFC, our endlessly repeated talk about the role of the private sector—they are all out there, and so, why don’t we put our money where our mouth is? Might it be because we also are comfortable with the current level of efforts? If so, shame on us!